Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Heaven is for Real.

I chose to read Heaven is for Real: A Little Boys Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back by Todd Burpo for BookSneeze and I read it in one sitting. I liked it. A lot.
This is a particularly Christian book written by a specifically Christian author, telling the story about his 4-year-old son’s trip to heaven and back. It is a moving story. Anyone who has a child will be powerfully impacted by such a tale. Most people in general will love it.
I had first heard about it when in first came out – radio talk shows were flooded with stories and callers and “experts” on the book and its topics. But when you read the story and how the author captures the simplicity and innocence of the boy, you will be taken in.  I read the book fairly quickly and enjoyed it! It was very thought provoking and I was always waiting to hear more from Colton. The fact that after this book, you are left thinking about many things and feeling inspired as well as enthralled, it speaks a lot about the story as well as the author.  I would definitely recommend it – a future movie perhaps?? Hollywood just may do that.

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